TAS Farm Sponsorship Program
The TAS Farm Innovation Hub has a competitive sponsorship process which aims to support efforts to strengthen drought resilience in our communities. Funding up to a maximum of $5,000 is available to community groups and organisations that meet the eligible criteria. Applications are taken all year round, however they are only assessed and awarded three times a year. If you require assistance completing your application, please contact Alison Demuth 0499 489 855.
When can I apply?
- Applications are taken all year round however only assessed awarded three times a year.
- You will need to submit your application before or on the 20th day of the month for each round.
- Round 1 – due 20 September 2024
- Round 2 – due 20 December 2024
- Round 3 - due 20 April 2025
- There is no advantage to rushing an application as all applications will only be assessed after the closure date for each round.
- Applications must be made via the TAS Farm Innovation Hub Sponsorship Application form.
- Applications for a sponsorship will be competitively assessed by and at the sole discretion of the TAS Farm Innovation Hub.
- Applications should provide clear responses and the required supporting evidence. The TAS Farm Innovation Hub is not obligated to seek additional information before determining a grant application
How much can I apply for?
- Community groups and organisations may apply for a grant amount up to a maximum of $5,000. The amount awarded will be at the sole discretion of TAS Farm Innovation Hub having regard to the total number of grant applications in the relevant round and the nature of the project.
- Applicants may only apply for one grant per round.
- Applicants may only seek one grant per project per year.
When will the grants be paid?
- Successful applicants will be paid in the month after the closing date of the grant round they submitted their application to, e.g. payment in either October, January, May.
- Grants will be paid directly into the applicant’s nominated bank account.
- Unsuccessful applications will be notified by email.
If you have any questions please get in touch with the team at fdf.tas.hub@utas.edu.au
Eligible Criteria and Ineligible Criteria
Eligible Criteria
- Assessment is based on alignment and addressing at least one of the first three priority themes to be eligible. These can be found below.
- Outcomes must deliver benefit to Tasmanian communities as our climate changes and becomes more variable.
- Organisation/community group based in Tasmania only to apply.
- The delivery of the program/activity to be completed with six months of signing the approval letter. Round 3 programs must be completed by 30 June 2025.
- Promotional materials and collateral arising from the hub funded activity will include an acknowledgement statement and the approved hub/Australian Government logo strip. Requirements will be outline in the Communications Welcome Pack received by all successful recipients.
- A brief overview of the sponsorship to be complete after the event/activity.
Ineligible Expenditure
- Costs of past activities.
- Subsidy of general ongoing administration of an organisation such as electricity, phone, computing hardware and rent.
- Work that duplicates other research activities/events/projects.
- Purchase of land.
- Major construction or capital expenditure.
- Purchase of vehicles.
- Overseas travel.
- Wages.
- Hospitality /catering for the purpose of entertaining clients or the project team.
- Activities or projects already funded by the Commonwealth, state, territory, or local government bodies, and fundamental research.
To be eligible for sponsorship, your application must align and address at least 1 of the first 3 priority themes. Organisations/Community groups based in Tasmania only to apply
- FARM PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS: Helping farmers understand their options and develop and implement plans to reduce drought risk, based on locally relevant and accessible data and information.
- WATER: Contributing to a better understanding of catchment-scale water availability, allocations and demand, and farm-scale issues of reliable access and efficient use of water.
- LANDSCAPES: Building knowledge and skills to increase the health of soil, vegetation and waterways, and measuring on-farm natural capital to support drought resilience.
- CLIMATE: Supporting an improved understanding of changes in climate and using this information to guide drought preparedness (cross-cutting theme).
- COMMUNITY: Building social connections, community leadership and well-being of people and communities (cross cutting theme).